
Jiangsu Shenhua Glass material Co., Ltd.!
Hot search: compound environmental clarifier compound environmental clarifier
Glass clarifier manufacturer
The main characteristics of Shenhua glass clarifier are as follows: 1. Obvious clarification effect; 2. Environmental protection and innocuity; 3. Improvement of surface finish of glass products; 4. Improvement of melting rate; 5. Reduction of fuel consumption and temperature and prolongation of furnace life; 6. Stable coloring; 7. Reasonable price and effective cost saving;
Technicians solve problems
Set R & D technology, high-precision measurement equipment, exquisite technology, lean production standards and other manufacturing teams;
welcomes all partners to join us

Shenhua's superb technology, affordable

with a strong technical team and perfect after-sales service

+86 137-7567-0399
After sales one-stop service
Set R & D technology, high-precision measurement equipment, exquisite technology, lean production standards and other manufacturing teams;
Perfect quality assurance system, to achieve the combination of self inspection and mutual inspection, to ensure the factory qualification rate;
Shenhua glass clarifier is an environmentally friendly and efficient glass clarifier developed by Jiangsu Shenhua Glass material Co., Ltd. There are more than ten varieties in three series: A, B and S.........
  • +86 13775670399
    24-Hour Hotline
  • noahmao841107@163.com
    Enterprise mailbox
  • North side of Kaitai Road, Jiangyan Economic Development Zone, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province
    Company address
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