
Jiangsu Shenhua Glass material Co., Ltd.!
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  • Contacts:Noah Mao
  • Mob:13775670399
  • Add:North side of Kaitai Road, Jiangyan Economic Development Zone, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province

Excellent after-sales service is a major feature of our company. For more than 30 years, companies have always improved the composition of products according to the use conditions and requirements of glass manufacturers to improve product quality to meet the requirements of different manufacturers.

Always put product quality and after-sales service first, guide customers in the correct use of clarifiers, and provide many suggestions for improvement in all aspects of batching, melting, molding, and inspection. It has directly or indirectly solved many technical problems for enterprises. Widely praised by users.

 In good faith, all contracts signed with customers (such as contracts confirmed by telephone, fax, e-mail, letter, etc.) are guaranteed to be executed regardless of changes in situations.

Our company is responsible for all losses caused to users due to product quality that does not meet the requirements of the contract signed by both parties.

We promise to respond to customers' inquiries in a timely manner; we will provide handling opinions within 48 hours for quality objections raised by customers, and we can provide on-site technical services to make every effort to meet user needs.

No matter what of the size of the customer, we provide high-quality and efficient services.

  • +86 13775670399
    24-Hour Hotline
  • noahmao841107@163.com
    Enterprise mailbox
  • North side of Kaitai Road, Jiangyan Economic Development Zone, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province
    Company address
Copyright:Jiangsu Shenhua Glass material Co., Ltd. Record number: 【Disclaimer】
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